A Message from Julius Kitutu, associate dean

In this role, l participate in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and the school search committee, where we strive to lead the school toward becoming a more welcoming and inclusive community for individuals of all backgrounds. There is power in embracing differences. This work starts with us, and we will all work together to create a Pitt Nursing community that truly serves and represents our community of interest, the patients and students we work with, teach, and reach.

The school embraces diversity, where I believe everyone plays a pivotal role of creating space of sharing, uplifting/encouraging, supporting, mentoring and learning as we build a team that works together. Thus, both the experiences and thoughts of everyone are protected and welcomed throughout the school. The traits of diversity, equity and inclusion of every individual are to be appreciated and valued. As the CDO, I have the duty to work closely with the University’s office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (https://www.diversity.pitt.edu/), and that of the office of Associate Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Health Sciences (www.healthdiversity.pitt.edu) to move the diversity mission and vision of the school as well as that of the university.