About Our Alumni

You are part of our community of more than 13,000 graduates of Pitt’s School of Nursing! You and your fellow graduates are changing the face of nursing and health care.

Our graduates are treating patients, leading health care systems, and guiding policy development and implementation across the globe. You can find a Pitt nurse:

  • Treating premature infants, elderly sufferers of Alzheimer’s, and whole parishes in underserved neighborhoods, both in the United States and abroad.
  • Leading schools of nursing in Bangkok and at prestigious schools such as Yale, Oregon Health & Science University, Kent State, and Ohio State University.
  • Supporting and caring for military personnel around the world. A Pitt nurse was the 43rd U.S. Army Surgeon General and Commanding General of the US Army Medical Command.
  • Leading the American Association of Colleges of Nursing and changing the way in which organizations such as the World Health Organization consider equity and human rights.
  • Holding executive positions, including chief executive officer and chief nursing officer, in health care systems across the country.

They all share something in common…an outstanding education from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing. We hope that you’ll join us for an upcoming alumni event, keep in touch with us, and be an active member of the Pitt Nursing alumni family.

Get Involved!

Pitt Nursing offers a variety of ways for you to stay connected to your alma mater including serving as a preceptor, planning your class reunion, mentoring students, serving as a speaker, and more! Please visit our volunteer page for more information.

Contact Taylor Andrekanic, assistant director of alumni relations, at 412-514-0359 or tva4@pitt.edu for any questions.

Seeking Educational Verification?

Send PDF requests for Educational Verification to SAO50@pitt.edu. Include your contact information, student name, program, and confer date. Documentation is generally completed within three weeks followed by an email communication of its status.

Requesting Program Syllabi?

Students who have graduated should send their contact information, student name, program, and confer date to SAO50@pitt.edu. Include what course syllabi are needed. Our office will download an electronic file with the content and email it back to you or the service provider within three weeks.

Upcoming Alumni Events

Pitt Nursing hosts events throughout the year both on campus and across the country! For more information on upcoming events, visit the Online Events Calendar.

Pitt Nursing’s Office of Professional Development & Continuing Nursing Education offers opportunities throughout the year and online for alumni and all nurses in the region. Visit the Professional Development & Continuing Nursing Education page for opportunities.