In Their Own Words

We asked URMP participants about their experiences with the program:

In order to present, I needed to have a solid understanding of every process involved in my research. This experience helped me learn every detail of the research process and gain an understanding behind every step along the way. Additionally, it made me appreciate the process of research more than before.”

– Jennifer Marx, Junior ‘18

“My mentor really encouraged me to seek out publishing opportunities and poster presentations. He guided me in the entire scientific writing process and disseminating statistical analysis. This is something I would never have learned this in depth within a course.”

– Taylor Giambrone, BSN '17

“It led me to having a deeper understanding of the full research project outside the lab, and helped me to gain confidence in speaking and also the magnitude of the project I am working on. I realized few other posters examined genetics and that I am very fortunate to have this opportunity through Pitt.”

– Erin Zita, BSN '18

It was a learning opportunity to share my hard work with others and learn how to communicate my work to other disciplines.

– Carolyn MacFarland, Senior ‘18

What can you tell students interested in URMP?

“Unique experience that will open up a myriad of opportunities; opportunity to publish; networking with other national and international colleagues in nursing program during presentations; supplemental to didactic coursework; sets the ground for future continuing education and/leadership positions within nursing profession; allows for the development of expertise within a particular field, Develop a lifelong mentor-mentee relationship.”

– Brayden Kameg, BSN ’16, DNP (Expected Graduation ’19)