ABSN Frequently Asked Questions

How many students are accepted into the Accelerated 2nd Degree Program?

The number of the admitted students varies from term to term. The target is 30 students for every admission term: Fall Term (April 1) and Spring Term (August 1).

What academic courses are essential for preparing for a career in nursing?

Preparing for a career in nursing necessitates a strong foundation in science, including subjects like Anatomy & Physiology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, and Pathophysiology. The academic advisors will work closely with you to establish the most suitable course plan to begin our ABSN program and ensure you have the necessary academic background to succeed in nursing.

Can I complete the Accelerated 2nd Degree BSN part-time?

There is no option for part-time admission. The curriculum is completed on a full-time schedule in three consecutive terms, onsite only. 

Do I need transportation to the clinical locations?

Yes. Some clinical locations are in the Pittsburgh suburbs, and students are responsible for transportation (personal car is recommended) to these sites.

How can I have my transcript reviewed?

Official transcripts may be reviewed only after submission of the application. Applicants will be contacted regarding their prerequisites and application status after review of the application and submitted official transcripts.

How can I get more information about the ABSN Program? 

Join us for live information sessions over Zoom. You can also find dates, times and session registration links on our Events Calendar. Additionally, you can send inquiries to sao50@pitt.edu