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Ann M. Mitchell
Health & Community Systems
My scholarly interests include mental health outcomes research, bereavement following sudden, unnatural death specifically by suicide, complicated grief, and alcohol and drug use/misuse. Pilot data from a recent study is being used to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of a crisis intervention program for survivors of suicide after the death of a family member or significant other. I am also working on a technology project using a phone application called COMPANION to evaluate its feasibility for use with survivors’ and their social support networks. Currently I am the Project Director (PI) on two HRSA-funded grants designed to 1) teach Emergency Department Registered Nurses (EDRNs) the evidence-based practice of screening, brief intervention, referral to treatment (EDRN-SBIRT) for patients who use or misuse alcohol and/or other drugs; and 2) teach interprofessional groups of anesthesia students how to assess and intervene with both patients and colleagues who may be misusing alcohol or other drugs. Most recently, I and two colleagues received the International Award for Excellence, Evidence Based Practice Award from Sigma Theta Tau International. I am certified as a clinical research coordinator (CCRC) through the Association of Clinical Research Professionals and provide consultation and education specific to research and evidence-based practices.
I teach in both the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. I am the Primary Teacher for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing course and the Contemporary Issues in Cross-Cultural Healthcare, a College of General Studies course. I recently served as a Fulbright Scholar (2010-2011) at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman and am developing a proposal for a multidisciplinary course involving an international visit to that country. I received the Nurse as Global Citizen Award from the Pennsylvania State Nurses Association and am the President of the North American Consortium for Nursing and Allied Health (NACNAH) for International Cooperation.
I have served as a School of Nursing representative to the Faculty Assembly and University Senate and am a member of the Commonwealth Relations Committee. I am actively involved in a number of community-based grief and bereavement organizations offering support services to members of the community and am President of the Pittsburgh Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. I have received the Leadership in Nursing Practice Award from the Eta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International. I am certified as an advanced practice holistic nurse (AHN-BC) through the American Holistic Nurses Association and provide consultation and education services specific to holistic health care.