Denise Charron-Prochownik

Distinguished Service Professor of Nursing
Health Promotion & Development


My research emphasis is theory-based intervention studies to enhance cognitive/psychosocial factors that impact health behavior and outcomes in children and adolescents with diabetes. I have conducted several funded projects in the areas of instrumentation, program development and evaluation, and survey designs. I have received funding from NIH, the American Diabetes Association, and Eli Lilly to develop, implement and evaluate online education-counseling intervention studies regarding reproductive health and preconception counseling in adolescent and young adult women with diabetes; and my current funded projects are targeting Latina and American Indian communities. 

Clinical Emphasis

I’ve provided over 25 years of service in diabetes. I was a Pediatric Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist, and I’m certified as a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.


I teach NUR 3049: Doctoral Research Seminar and NUR 3052: Doctoral Manuscript Seminar. I’m chair or a member of several doctoral dissertation committees. I’ve mentored several students, post-docs, and faculty members in my research areas.


I’m a pediatric nurse practitioner, and was a pediatric diabetes clinical nurse specialist. I’ve been involved in national diabetes activities, such as associate editor of Diabetes Care and Diabetes Spectrum, editorial board member of Pediatric Diabetes; and selected as a member of American Diabetes Association’s (ADA) Medical & Scientific Program Oversight Committee, Health Care and Education Advisory Group of ADA’s Executive Committee, ADA’s Scientific Session Meeting Committee, ADA’s Publication Policy Committee, and Chair the ADA’s Women and Diabetes Subcommittee. I served as Chairperson of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) Research Committee and a member of ADA’s Research & Grant Review Committee. I co-chaired the Scholarship Committee for the Pennsylvania Nightingale Nursing Awards. I am on the National Advising Board for the Alliance to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes Program and for the CDC/NIH National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). I have served as a reviewer on a study section for NIH NARCH.