Undergraduate Academic Regulations and Student Responsibilities

Health Requirements

Upon admission, all undergraduate students in the School of Nursing are required to have a health examination that includes specific laboratory tests. A Hepatitis B vaccination is also required (unless student signs special waiver) as recommended by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). The costs of the examination, tests, and vaccine are the responsibility of the individual student. Also, nursing students are required to have medical and hospitalization insurance in addition to the coverage provided through the University Student Health Service.

Due to the fact that UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) requires hepatitis B vaccination and all students complete clinical rotation at various UPMC facilities, it may be problematic if a student decides to not obtain this immunization. The student is strongly recommended to discuss this issue with their private health care delivery professional. In addition, every student has to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination or exemption.

Each student enrolled in the School of Nursing, where exposure to human blood or other potentially infectious materials is probable or possible, must carry health insurance that will cover payment of treatment and follow-up procedures, and must be prepared to provide validation of this coverage each term to the program coordinator or designated staff.

Please note this program schedules clinical rotation at a facility(ies) external to the university, and such facility(ies) will require a criminal background check, an ACT 33/34 clearance (if applicable), and a mandatory drug screen to determine whether you are qualified to participate in the clinical rotation. Additionally, in order to become licensed, many states will inquire as to whether the applicant has been convicted of a misdemeanor, a felony, or a felonious or illegal act associated with alcohol and/or substance abuse.

Transportation to Agencies

Students must assume responsibility for all transportation to clinical practice sites, community health agencies, and field trips.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Students are expected to meet current CPR certification requirements prior to the beginning of each clinical course. (See Policy 369)

Withdrawal from a Course

After the add/drop period and prior to the end of the ninth week of the term (fourth week of a session), a student may withdraw from a course. After that date, a student will be permitted to withdraw from a course or from all courses (resignation) only in extraordinary circumstances and with permission of the Associate Dean of the School of Nursing (or designee).The student will have to complete relevant withdrawal form(s). There is no tuition adjustment associated with a course withdrawal. (See Policy 311)


The full time credit load in the School of Nursing is 12-18 credits for each 15-week term. Permission for credit overload must be obtained from the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education (or designee) prior to registration and will be based upon the student's grade point average (GPA), course load, personal responsibilities, travel time, etc. Credit overload will not be honored without approval. (See Policy 36)

New Grading System

1. Grades for courses will be reported according to the following scale (see Pitt Grading System). When the grading system for courses outside the School of Nursing is different than the following, the student should consult the student's advisor in the School of Nursing.

Level of Attainment

A+ 4.00  
A 4.00 Superior
A- 3.75  
B+ 3.25  
B 3.00 Meritorious
B- 2.75  
C+ 2.25  
C 2.00 Adequate (Minimal attainment for all courses with the prefix NUR and specified sciences courses listed in Policy 153)
C- 1.75  
D+ 1.25  
D 1.00 Minimal
D- 0.75  
F 0.00 Failure

2. The minimum passing grade for individual required nursing courses is C (See Policy 153)
3. The following grades carry no quality points:

      G --  Unfinished class work (ongoing) work unfinished because of extenuating personal circumstances.
      H --  Honors (exceptional) completion of course requirement
      I   --  Incomplete research, work in individual guidance courses, clinical work or seminar (See Policy 312)
      N  --    Audit, non-credit
      NG --  Unfinished class work (time to complete expired) work unfinished because of extenuating personal circumstances
      R  --    Resignation from University
      S   --    Satisfactory completion of course requirement
      U  --    Unsatisfactory completion of course requirement
      W --    Withdrawal from course (without grade affecting the student’s scholastic average)
4. For courses incorporating a clinical component, satisfactory clinical performance is required to successfully pass the course.

Students who choose this grading option must do so by submitting a Grade Option form to their advisor by the end of the third full week of classes during a term (second full week of classes during the Summer Sessions). The decision to the grade option cannot be reversed once the form is submitted and approved by the registrar’s office. Here’s the link for the form (Grade Option Form).

Incomplete Grades

The incomplete grade, G, may be given at the instructor's option when seriously extenuating circumstances do not permit the student to complete course work. University policy 09-01.05 requires "G" grade course requirements to be completed no later than the year after the term or session in which the course was taken. After the deadline has passed, the student is required to re-register for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.

If the G grade is given in a prerequisite course, the G grade must be removed before the end of the add/drop period or the student cannot continue in the subsequent course. The instructor then records the grade change. Except in unusual circumstances, a G grade that is not removed within the designated time period will remain on the student's academic record. If the course is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation, the student will have to re-register for the course. (See Policy 313)

Grade Point Computation

Students should keep track of their own term and cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). Each credit carried is awarded grade points that are computed according to the following scale:

Grade Grade Point Value per Credit
A+ 4.00
A 4.00
A- 3.75
B+ 3.25
B 3.00
B- 2.75
C+ 2.25
C 2.00
C- 1.75
D+ 1.25
D 1.00
D- 0.75
F 0.00

To calculate the term GPA, divide the total number of grade points earned that term by the total numbers of credits carried (excluding credits for courses for which the grades G, H, N, R, S, U, or W are given.) The cumulative GPA is calculated in the same manner using the grade point and credit totals for all work completed. Any course can be repeated providing class space is available. When a course is repeated, only the most recent grade, credits, and grade points will be used to determine the GPA and, therefore, the student's scholastic standing.

Although the credits allowed for transfer students count toward fulfillment of quantitative graduation requirements, the grades earned in such courses are not included in grade point computations For more information see Course Repeat. Dean's List, graduation honors, and probation depend only on the official GPA.

Class Designation

Class designation is based upon successful completion of course requirements for each year of the curriculum. (See Policy 46)

Acceptable Academic Status

All students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.00 (C average) or better throughout the program. Any undergraduate student whose cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00 is subject to academic action. The school has the right to change the grading system and academic status policies.

Warning, Probation, and Dismissal

A student who has received a term GPA below 2.00 will be sent a letter of warning. There may be an unlimited number of warnings. The warning will not be recorded on the transcript.

After completion of 12 credits, a student whose term GPA falls below 1.50 or whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation.  To be removed from probation, a student's cumulative GPA must be at least 2.00 after the completion of 12 additional credits. A student may be on probation no more than two terms during the total program.

Unless extenuating circumstances exist, undergraduate students will be dismissed from the school if: (1) their cumulative GPA falls below 1.00 after the completion of 12 credits or below 1.75 after the completion of 24 credits; (2) their cumulative GPA falls below 2.00 after two terms on probation; (3) they earn an unacceptable grade for a second time in specified courses; or (4) they fail more than two specified nursing/science courses.

Students may also be placed on probation or dismissed for (1) illegal or unethical professional conduct or (2) a pattern of unsafe or incompetent clinical practice.  The publication, Guidelines on Academic Integrity, and the school's policies on academic integrity shall be the references for appropriate procedures for adjudication. See section, Academic Integrity.

Policies governing warning, probation, and dismissal are subject to change. The same system of warning and probation that exists for full-time students will be applicable to part-time students each time they complete the equivalent of one full term (12 credits). (See Policy 283)

Repeating of Courses

A student may repeat certain designated nursing courses only once if an unsatisfactory grade has been earned. Only the final grade earned is counted in computing the credits earned and the GPA. To register to repeat a course, the student must obtain permission on the appropriate form, which is available from the School of Nursing Student Affairs & Alumni Relations. Re-examination or extra work cannot be used as a basis for a change of grade. (See Policy 153)


Students must register during the official registration period each term. Permission must be obtained from the Associate Dean of Student Affairs & Alumni Relations or designate to register after the designated period, but the student will be charged a late registration fee.

Students who need to add or drop courses can do so only during the designated add/drop period, usually the first two weeks of the term. Students must consult their advisor in the School of Nursing and complete the appropriate form. (See Policy 36)

Degree Requirements

To earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the student must demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement in required course work prescribed by the curriculum with an overall academic achievement of a minimum GPA of 2.00. (See Policy 46 and Policy 283)

Statute of Limitations

Degree requirements must be fulfilled within a period of ten years. After the ten-year period, re-evaluation of credits will be required. (See Policy 68)

Courses Taken Elsewhere

Students may attend a summer or special session of another accredited institution in order to supplement their program. To receive credit for such study, students must submit a Permission to Enroll at Another University form in advance from the Student Affairs & Alumni Relations and request approval from the Associate Dean of Affairs & Alumni Relations. Undergraduate Programs. After completion of the course, an official transcript from that institution must be submitted to the Student Affairs & Alumni Relations. Students will be given credit only for courses in which a C or better was earned. (See Policy 33)

Cross Registration

Cross-college and cross-university registration is a program designed to provide for enriched educational opportunities for undergraduates at any of the ten institutions that comprise the Pittsburgh Council of Higher Education (PCHE): Carnegie Mellon, Carlow College, Chatham College, Community College of Allegheny County, Duquesne University, Point Park College, La Roche College, Robert Morris College, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the University of Pittsburgh. Under the terms of this program, full time students at any one of these institutions are granted the opportunity to enroll for one class per semester/term at any of the other institutions. Courses must be selected from those regularly accredited toward baccalaureate programs, and a student registering for them must meet all prerequisites. Priority in registration goes to the students of the host college. Full credit and grades are transferred. Students interested in cross registering should consult their Student Advisor. Cross registration is not permitted in the Summer Term.

Application for Graduation

To apply for graduation, complete the online application by logging into My.Pitt.edu and following these instructions.

  • Contact your Dean’s Office if you’ve applied for graduation and need to postpone. Your Dean’s Office will let you know when to apply for subsequent terms.
  • Your name on your graduation application must be identical to the way it appears in PeopleSoft. You will be required to provide legal documentation to change your name. Acceptable forms of documentation are:
    • Birth Certificate
    • Marriage Certificate
    • Divorce Decree
    • Formal Court Order
  • To ensure your diploma is routed to the correct address, you can update your Graduation Address through PeopleSoft up to one month prior to the end of your graduation term/session.
  • Contact your Dean’s Office for deadlines and eligibility for graduation.
  • You must be in good financial standing with the University to receive your diploma.

For more information please contact Student Affairs by email at sao50@pitt.edu