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School of Nursing Dean Search
Welcome to the web page for the Dean of the School of Nursing Search Committee at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dear School of Nursing Community Members,
I am very pleased to report that the search committee has concluded its work and presented a list of candidates for Dr. Shekhar’s consideration. The candidates are promising and are excited about the future of the School.
The final round of the search will be orchestrated by Dr. Shekhar's office. I anticipate that the announcement about the outcome will be made in the coming months.
Maureen Lichtveld, MD, MPH
Chair, Search Committee for Dean of the School of Nursing
Dean, School of Public Health
Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health
I am honored to chair the committee and look forward to collaborating with all committee members. The full committee membership roster is provided below. The search firm Russell Reynolds Associates (RRA) has been retained to support the search for the School of Nursing’s new Dean. As was announced in August 2021, the committee is charged with identifying a worthy successor to Dean Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, whose leadership and dedication for over 20 years have superbly positioned Pitt Nursing as one of the top nursing schools nationwide.
The committee encourages you to regularly visit this page, where we will provide announcements and feature search events, including open forum virtual search committee meetings. We also encourage Pitt Nursing stakeholders to utilize the comment/question form below to contact the committee’s staff. The committee welcomes and appreciates feedback from all Nursing stakeholders and will keep you apprised of search developments as the process proceeds.
Comment/Question Form
Maureen Lichtveld
Dean, Graduate School of Public Health
Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health
Jonas Salk Chair in Population Health, Graduate School of Public Health
Chair, School of Nursing Dean Search Committee
Search Committee Members
The committee is charged with identifying a worthy successor to Dean Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob, whose leadership and dedication for over 20 years have superbly positioned Pitt Nursing as one of the top nursing schools nationwide.
Meetings & Virtual Town Hall
The committee calling for participation in virtual town hall forum.
Position Specification and Application
Interested individuals should electronically submit a Curriculum Vitae and a letter of interest (two-page) to Russell Reynolds Associates by no later than February 23, 2022, at Pitt.NursingDean@russellreynolds.com