FAQ about Nursing Honors Curriculum and Thesis Options

FAQ about Nursing Honors Curriculum Option

What is the Nursing Honors Curriculum option?

This is one of two David C. Frederick Honors College’s approved pathways to earn your jointly conferred BSN-H degree. The Honors Curriculum option is designed for students interested in translating existing evidence into practice to drive change at the bedside. Typically, first-year students admitted directly into the Honors College simultaneously with admission to the University of Pittsburgh will participate in a structured program of study that entails completing honors-designated coursework and approved out-of-classroom curriculum. The Honors College admits a limited number of upper-division students into its Honors Curriculum option.

What are the requirements for the Honors Curriculum option?

Students in the Honors Curriculum option must complete 18 credits of David C. Frederick Honors College-approved courses, 6 experiential credits, and the Honors Outside of the Classroom Curriculum (Honors OCC). The student must also earn a GPA of 3.250 or higher.

View the BSN Honors Curriculum Requirements (PDF) for additional details.

What is the Honors Distinction?
Students may consider pursuing an Honors Distinction rather than a BSN-H degree. The Honors Distinction offers a lighter credit load than the Honors Curriculum option. Students can declare their intention to pursue an Honors Distinction after completing at least one semester, but no later than beginning their last semester, at Pitt with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.000.
Students earning an Honors Distinction must complete 9 credits of David C. Frederick Honors College-approved courses, 3 credits from a global or experiential activity, and the Honors Outside of the Classroom Curriculum (Honors OCC).
What is Honors Capstone?

The traditional BSN curriculum covers the core essentials of American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). While not a requirement of the Nursing Honors Curriculum, the Honors Capstone is specifically designed for those pursuing a Nursing Honors Curriculum option jointly conferred BSN-H degree.

The Honors Capstone is comprised of two experiential credit courses, i.e., NUR 1091 Nursing Honors Capstone 1 and NUR 1092 Nursing Honors 2. Nursing Honors Capstone 1 (NUR 1091) provides a mentored research experience to make students well-positioned to complete their project.

Nursing Honors Capstone 2 (NUR 1092) provides an opportunity for the construction and implementation of a research practicum plan in alignment with the mentor’s and student’s interests. The main deliverable of the Honors Capstone is the completion and dissemination of an evidence-based quality improvement (QI) project. Students can complete a Capstone project in their third or fourth years.

How do I select a mentor for my Honors Capstone?

First-year students in the Nursing Honors Program take Honors Freshman Seminar (NUR 0005) in their first semester at the School of Nursing. In this seminar, students are oriented to the active research projects underway at the school, as well as the various research hubs in the School of Nursing. With the guidance of the seminar instructor and the various guest speakers, students are matched with potential mentors who can guide them through their journey in the program.

Do I need IRB approval for my Honors Capstone?

Most evidence-based quality improvement (QI) projects are exempt by the Institutional Review Board (IRB). However, the mentor can help the student determine if an IRB application is needed on a case-by-case basis. If uncertain, students and mentors can consult with IRB staff at askirb@pitt.edu.

Is there an oral defense for my Honors Capstone?

Unlike the Honors Thesis, you are not required to do an oral defense of your Capstone project. However, it is expected that you will display and share your work through local and regional research or practice-based conferences or events. Students can display their work at various UPMC training clinical sites (e.g., nursing transitions). Local dissemination opportunities include Sigma Theta Tau Eta Chapter Scholars Night, SON Annual Scholarly Presentation Symposium, and other University of Pittsburgh research symposiums.

What is the timeline for my Honors Capstone completion?

Nursing Research (NUR 0067) and Introduction to Statistics (NUR 0088) are pre-requisites for the Honors Capstone. Thus, it is expected that students can enroll in Nursing Honors Capstone 1 (NUR 1091) in the third year and Nursing Honors Capstone 2 (NUR 1092) in the fourth year.

Am I expected to write an ETD for my Honors Capstone?

No, an ETD (Electronic Thesis or Dissertation) is not required for the Honors Capstone. However, students are encouraged to develop a manuscript or brief communication on their evidence-based QI project for potential publication in a peer-reviewed journal under the discretion of their mentor.

What happens if I am enrolled in the Honors Curriculum option but do not complete the program requirements? Does this affect my ability to graduate?

No, this will not affect your ability to graduate. Once you finish the requirements of the traditional BSN program, you will earn your BSN diploma. Completing the Honors Curriculum, however, will allow you to earn a dual degree from the School of Nursing and the David C. Frederick Honors College designated as a BSN-H diploma.

FAQ about the Honors Thesis Option

What is the Nursing Honors Thesis option?

This is one of two David C. Frederick Honors College’s approved pathways to earn your jointly conferred BSN-H degree. The thesis option is designed for students interested in scientific discoveries and in generating new knowledge to address unmet clinical needs at the bedside. It is considered the highest undergraduate distinction. Only offered at a few universities worldwide, the prestigious Honors Thesis enhances your BSN degree with an independent research thesis. The Honors Thesis is referred to as a Bachelor of Philosophy in schools/department outside the School of Nursing.

How does an Honors Thesis differ from the Honors Curriculum option?

From a scientific standpoint, the curriculum option trains students to become smart consumers of research by polishing their ability to translate existing evidence into practice to drive change at the bedside. The thesis option trains students to become junior scientists who can generate new knowledge to solve challenges or address unmet clinical needs at the bedside.

The Honors Thesis option does not involve any required coursework. Students completing the Honors Thesis conduct and defend a research project.

It is worth noting that admission into the Honors Thesis option requires a separate application to the David C. Frederick Honors College for Honors Thesis (BPhil) candidacy, even if the student is already admitted to the Honors Curriculum option.

How long does it take to complete an Honors Thesis?

Completing the research project itself takes at least one year (i.e., ethical approval, data collection and analysis, ETD write up and oral defense). However, planning the thesis also takes up to one year as well (i.e., selecting a mentor, identifying a research idea, literature review, etc.). Thus, it is highly recommended that students start planning for their thesis and apply to the David C. Frederick Honors College for Honors Thesis (BPhil) candidacy no later than their third year.

I am interested in completing an Honors Thesis. Where do I start?

If you are not already in touch with a research mentor, the first step is to identify one and get involved in their active research project. One of the ways to do so is to apply for the Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program (URMP). You can indicate on the intake form that you are interested in working with that specific mentor. Participation in the various research hubs in the School of Nursing is another option to identify a research mentor.

Next, reach out to the Director of the Nursing Honors Program (Dr. Theresa Koleck – SONHonors@pitt.edu) to discuss your interests in completing the Honors Thesis option. The Director will introduce you to potential research mentor(s) if needed. Once you find a suitable mentor who agrees to serve as your thesis advisor, work with them to identify a feasible research project that you can complete as your own thesis. Many students identify an original research idea that aligns with the mentor’s active study or perform a secondary analysis of the mentor’s existing data.

Once you have a mature and well-articulated idea, work with the Director of the Nursing Honors Program to submit the Honors Thesis* application to the Director of the Nursing Honors Program (SONHonors@pitt.edu). The School of Nursing Honors Committee will complete an internal review of your application. If approved, the Director of the Nursing Honors Program will submit your application to the David C. Frederick Honors College for admission to Honors Thesis (BPhil) candidacy. Upon admission, you and your mentor will receive a formal letter welcoming you in the Honors program.

*The Honors Thesis is referred to as a BPhil in schools/departments outside of the School of Nursing.

What are the components of an Honors Thesis application?

The Honors Thesis (referred to as a BPhil in schools/departments outside of the School of Nursing) application is composed of seven parts:

  1. Biographical Information Form
  2. Your resume
  3. Your transcript
  4. Plan of Studies Form
  5. A copy of your plan of studies, which has been reviewed by your academic advisor
  6. Thesis Prospectus Form
  7. A copy of your thesis prospectus, which has been reviewed by your thesis advisor
What should I include in my Thesis Prospectus?
Please address the following in your thesis prospectus:
  1. Background and significance of the project with a review of the literature
  2. Research purpose statement and/or research question and/or research hypothesis
  3. Specific aims of the project
  4. Study methods, including:
    1. Study design
    2. Setting and participants
    3. Data collection, including a description of variables and proposed variable measurement
    4. Data analysis
  5. Preliminary results if applicable
  6. Discussion of the expected results of the project
  7. Anticipated contribution of the project to the field of nursing
Once I am admitted to Honors Thesis (BPhil) Candidacy, what are the degree requirements?

The David C. Frederick Honors College divides the progress of an Honors Thesis into the three stages: development of the project; conducting the research and writing of the thesis; and final presentation and examination of the completed thesis (i.e., oral defense). While the progress on the thesis is self-paced, all three stages must be completed by 12 PM on the last weekday of classes of the term in which you will graduate.

Specifically, this means that you must have successfully defended your thesis before your committee, incorporated and received approval for any revisions required by your committee from your defense, and uploaded the final, edited copy of the thesis in proper Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) format to the D-Scholarship@Pitt website by this deadline.

Refer to the Thesis Defense & Graduation Procedures and Guide for Thesis Advisors for more details on the process.

Do I need an IRB approval for my thesis?

The David C. Frederick Honors College requests a copy of the IRB or statement that the research project does not require IRB review and approval to be on file for every thesis. If you are using existing data from your mentor’s study, then an IRB copy of the parent study would suffice. If you are performing an original investigation with independent data collection, then you need to consult with your mentor and the Pitt Human Research Protection Office (askirb@pitt.edu) to comply with all required human protection regulations.

Are there any funding opportunities for my Honors Thesis?

When pursuing intensive research for the Honors Thesis, you can apply for funding to support your thesis work. David C. Frederick Honors College has a mechanism for requesting funds. The School of Nursing also offers competitive research award for students—the Reva Rubin Memorial Undergraduate Research Fund, the Harvey and Edna Roth Endowed Nursing Research Fund, and the Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacob Undergraduate Research Fund. A call for proposals is usually emailed at the beginning of the Fall semester. In addition, if you are selected to present your research at a conference or meeting, the School of Nursing will provide support for travel and accommodations.

What do I need to know before planning for the final writing and examination of the thesis?

Once you collect and analyze your data, and before finalizing the thesis document, the student and advisor should begin to choose an examining committee. The committee will be composed of at least four faculty members: your thesis advisor, who is the chair of the committee; two additional faculty members from the University of Pittsburgh; and an external examiner from outside the University of Pittsburgh.

Once you identify your examination committee, select a date and time suitable for your defense and inform the David C. Frederick Honors College by completing the BPhil Defense Information Form. You also need to inform the Director of the Nursing Honors Program (Dr. Theresa Koleck – SONHonors@pitt.edu) who helps you reserve a room and announce the final defense.

Who is the external examiner and how do I select one for my thesis?

Work with your thesis advisor to identify and invite an external examiner who is an expert on the topic of your thesis from outside of the University of Pittsburgh. External examiners can be present on campus for the thesis defense or participate in the defense via electronic means, such as Zoom. The external examiner will receive an honorarium from the David C. Frederick Honors College for serving on your committee. The David C. Frederick Honors College will also reimburse the cost of travel and lodging for an external examiner who is traveling to Pittsburgh for your defense. Thesis advisors have previously invited collaborators from regional institutions (e.g., UPMC, CMU, Duquesne University, etc.) or collaborators from national institutions (e.g., UNC, Duke, UCSF, etc.) to serve as external examiners.

How and when to write the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD)?

Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) are theses or dissertations prepared as text-based PDF files. The University has resources for writing and formatting the ETD, including templates to get started and staff support to help students adhere to formatting requirements. The length is typically 30 double-spaced pages with 20-30 references. Students need to draft the ETD and email to committee members at least two weeks prior to the final defense for review. You will find a repository of recently completed undergraduate Honors Theses here.

What occurs during the oral defense of my thesis?

The format of the oral presentation and examination is similar to that of a master’s or doctoral defense. The student publicly presents an oral overview of the work to the examining committee and guests in attendance. Following the presentation, the public may ask questions, while the committee examines the candidate privately. The chair of the committee is responsible for dismissing the public and for convening and ending the examination. Additionally, the chair passes the student's ETD Approval Form for committee members’ signatures. Here are two examples of thesis defense presentations from former Honors Thesis students:

When is the final ETD due?

After the oral defense, students must incorporate committee feedback into the ETD and prepare the final documents as per the University formatting guidelines. Once finalized, you must submit the following to the David C. Frederick Honors College no later than 12 PM on the last weekday of classes of the term in which you will graduate:

  • ETD Approval Form completed in its entirety, with all required signatures on pages 1 and 2 (see ETD website); if required, please submit all copyright permissions with the form. Remember to include one copy of your Title Page and TWO copies of your Abstract (BOTH copies of the Abstract initialed by your thesis advisor in the upper right corner); this is outlined on Page Four of the ETD Approval Form.
  • Uploaded ETD file to the D-Scholarship@Pitt website, formatted correctly with all appropriate bookmarks and hyperlinks (IMPORTANT: When uploading, choose "University Honors College" in the "Schools and Programs" section, not the major within your primary academic center).

Do not pay the processing fee required of graduate theses and dissertations (the David C. Frederick Honors College pays the processing fee on your behalf). For more details, check the Frederick Honors College website.

Is there a final checklist to make sure I completed all requirements for my BSN-H?

Yes, the David C. Frederick Honors College posts an updated Honors Thesis (BPhil) checklist every term. You can find the most recent checklist on their website.

What happens if I am enrolled in the Honors Thesis option but do not complete the program requirements? Does this affect my ability to graduate?

No, this will not affect your ability to graduate. Once you finish the requirements of the traditional BSN program, you will earn your BSN diploma. Completing the Honors Thesis, however, will allow you to earn a dual degree from the School of Nursing and the David C. Frederick Honors College designated as a BSN-H diploma.

Do I need to submit my thesis for publication?

No, you are not required to submit a manuscript for publication. However, you are highly encouraged to do so. The motive behind the thesis is to generate new knowledge to improve health. One of the best ways to share this knowledge is to disseminate your work in a peer-reviewed journal.

Are there any opportunities to present my thesis in national forums?

Yes, students are encouraged to submit their work to appropriate professional meetings and conferences (e.g., Eastern Nursing Research Society, American Heart Association, International Society of Nurses in Genetics). If you are selected to present your research at a conference or meeting, the School of Nursing will provide support for travel and accommodations.