Latinx Student Nurses Association Founded

Last fall, Pitt Nursing students founded the Latinx Student Nurses Association (LSNA). 

The main goal of the organization is to establish a community for Latinx Students within the School of Nursing. Vikhyana Gonzalez, an undergraduate nursing student, is a founding member and the first president of LSNA. 

“Given that Latinx students are underrepresented within the School of Nursing, and the nursing profession in general, LSNA aims to create an environment where Latinx nursing students at Pitt can feel seen and welcome,” Gonzalez says. “I believe organizations like this are essential to not only continue the mission of DEI within higher education, but to empower and advocate for our minority students.” 

LSNA will celebrate the achievements of Latinx nurses, advocate for minority populations in health care, and promote leadership within the health care field for underrepresented groups. The group will work in collaboration with the National Association of Hispanic Nurses to give students more opportunities for development. 

“As a new organization, we're just looking forward to establishing ourselves and increasing student engagement,” Gonzalez says. “We have some great volunteer opportunities and resources for our members, so we're eager to see how they go, and just excited for the future of LSNA!”