Andrew M. Dierkes

Assistant Professor
Acute & Tertiary Care


Dr. Andrew Dierkes is a registered nurse and health services researcher. As a Hillman Scholar in Nursing Innovation, he completed his undergraduate and predoctoral training at the University of Pennsylvania through an integrated BSN-PhD curriculum. His postdoctoral training was in the Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR), also at the University of Pennsylvania, under the mentorship of Dr. Linda Aiken and Dr. Matthew McHugh. His clinical experience includes years as a medical-surgical nurse, which ground his current academic work.

Scholarly Emphasis

Dr. Dierkes’ research aims to leverage the nation’s largest healthcare workforce—nurses—to improve outcomes for patients and providers while lowering costs of care. Within this framework, he has examined a range of topics, including postoperative sepsis, Pay for Performance programs, Medicaid Expansion under the Affordable Care Act, and California’s nurse staffing mandate. He is also interested innovative work to translate research findings into practice.


Dr. Andrew Dierkes is a clinical instructor for accelerated/second degree BSN students. He also provides lectures to graduate and undergraduate courses on health policy topics including health insurance and healthcare reform.


Dr. Andrew Dierkes manages the Nursing Health Services and Policy Research (HSPR) HUB’s research colloquia.