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Annette DeVito Dabbs
Acute & Tertiary Care
Dr. DeVito Dabbs has more than 40 years of clinical experience managing people with chronic cardiopulmonary conditions, including recipients of solid organ transplants. Her scholarly interests include the promotion of patient engagement, active partnerships between patients and clinicians, health information technology, health-related quality of life after transplantation, qualitative research, and mixed-methods analysis techniques. She leads an interdisciplinary team of clinicians, behavioral scientists, engineers, and human factors specialists to develop and evaluate Pocket PATH Synergy, a suite of technologies to support behaviors of patients and clinicians working together to promote self-management to achieve better health outcomes. Dr. DeVito Dabbs is currently the PI for a full-scale R01funded by NINR to evaluate the efficacy of a tele-rehabilitation behavioral exercise intervention and an CO-PI for a multi-centered R01 funded by NIDDK to design and test a technology-based intervention to support adolescents’ adherence to medication taking after kidney transplantation. She also serves as a co-investigator on multiple grants for projects including promoting psychosocial outcomes after living donation and the development of quality of life technologies.
Dr. DeVito Dabbs is the faculty advisor for the O’Neil-Pitt Nursing Fellowship in Patient Engagement and the Director of the School’s T32 Technology: Research in Chronic and Critical Illness Training grant and the SON sponsored eHealth Research Hub. She was a founding faculty member for the NSF-funded Quality of Life Technology Center (a joint project between Pitt and Carnegie Mellon University) and currently serves on the Expert Panel for Informatics and Technology for the American Academy of Nurses.
Research Methods
Qualitative Research Methods
Mixed-Methods Research
Dr. DeVito Dabbs has a secondary appointment in the University of Pittsburgh Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) and the Department of Ethics and Health Law. She serves as a scientific reviewer for the NSF-NIH Smart and Connected Health Panel and the American Lung Association Research Awards. She recently completed the Health and Aging Policy Fellowship to impact regulatory policies regarding health technologies and aging. She has served in numerous leadership positions for the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, American Thoracic Society, International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation, International Transplant Nurses Society, and American Academy of Nursing. She is an editorial board member for Qualitative Health Research and a regular reviewer for several journals in her area of expertise.