Joseph Goode

Vice Chair for Research & Scholarship
Associate Professor
Nurse Anesthesia


Dr. Joseph S. Goode, Jr. is an Associate Professor and Vice-Chair for Research in the Department of Nurse Anesthesia as well as an Assistant Director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program. He earned BSN (1997), MSN (anesthesia, 2000) and PhD (2018) degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. His PhD focused on Healthcare Simulation processes and translational science. He also earned an independently designed concentration BA (biological sciences and fine arts) from the University of Michigan. Dr. Goode serves on the Winter Institute for Simulation Education and Research (WISER) Research and Scholarship Committee and has served on the American Association for the History of Nursing Board of Directors from 2021 to 2023. 

Dr. Goode has honors and awards, including the Sigma Theta Tau Eta Chapter Leadership in Nursing Award (2009) and the Pennsylvania Association of Nurse Anesthetists Didactic Instructor of the Year (2006) and Clinician of the year (2004).

Dr. Goode has been involved in the healthcare simulation field since 2000 and in clinical and laboratory research since 1979. His current primary areas of research interest in simulation include the use of Hierarchical Task Analysis in healthcare simulation educational methodology, the quantitative and qualitative measurement of translation from the simulation setting to clinical practice and its impacts on patient safety.  His clinical research is focused on applications of High Frequency Jet Ventilation.

Research interests:

  • Patient safety and nurse anesthesia practice
  • Simulation educational methodology & Best Practices
  • Debriefing and debriefing evaluation in simulation
  • The translational science of simulation
  • Clinical applications of High Frequency Jet Ventilation (HFJV)
  • History, ethics and philosophy of science and healthcare

Clinical Emphasis

Dr. Goode currently maintains credentials at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital. He serves as the primary CRNA clinical resource for High-Frequency Jet Ventilation applications in the perioperative setting.


Dr. Goode’s primary teaching focus is within the Nurse Anesthesia program although he does instruct at the BSN, MSN, and DNP levels at the University of Pittsburgh. He also provides in-servicing and instruction for CRNAs, Anesthesiologists and fellows in Anesthesia, Electrophysiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery within the UPMC healthcare system. He coordinates scheduling of all the simulation activities for the Nurse Anesthesia Program and serves as the program’s Coordinator of Admissions.

Dr. Goode has presented or been published nationally and internationally in areas as diverse as anesthesia, artificial organ development, emergency medicine, healthcare simulation and the history and philosophy of science and medicine.

Courses Taught/Guest Lecturer in the Nurse Anesthesia Program:

  • Basic Principles of Anesthesia
  • Basic Principles of Anesthesia Lab (Course Coordinator)
  • Team Training in Patient Safety (Course Coordinator)
  • Advanced Principles of Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology 1,2
  • Applied Pharmacology for Nurse Anesthetists (Course Coordinator)
  • Advanced Principles of Anesthesia 1,2,3
  • Basic Clinical Care 1,2 (Course Coordinator)
  • Advanced Clinical Care 1,2,3,4 (Course Coordinator)
  • Comprehensive Anesthesia Review Seminar (Course Coordinator)


Member, American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, American Association for the History of Nursing (Board of Directors 2021-2023), C.F. Reynolds Medical History Society, Sigma Theta Tau, Society for Simulation in Healthcare, WISER Research & Scholarship Committee.