Leslie Hoffman

Professor Emeritus
Acute & Tertiary Care


The primary focus of my research involved testing ways to minimize pulmonary dysfunction in chronically and critically ill adults, with an emphasis on strategies to promote weaning from prolonged mechanical ventilation. My expertise includes serving as an NIH Study Section member, reviewer for NCRR (CTSA, K30 Awards), and T32 Co-Project Director.


In 2009, I received the Outstanding Educator of the Year Award from the 15,000 member American Thoracic Society. My students have been awarded funding from the NIH (NINR, NIA), American Lung Association, International Society of Heart & Lung Transplantation, Nursing Foundation of PA, Oncology Nursing Society, and Sigma Theta Tau International, Eta Chapter.


As Professor Emeritus, I continue to mentor PhD students and faculty in grantsmanship and dissemination of scholarly work.

I welcome opportunities to assist junior faculty moving ideas for funded projects to funded grant awards and opportunities to provide design, development and/or editorial assistance with manuscript preparation.