Christopher C. Imes

Vice Chair for Administration
Scholarship Facilitator
Assistant Professor
Acute & Tertiary Care


My program of research focuses on promoting cardiometabolic health. I believe the cornerstone of cardiometabolic health is a lifestyle that includes a healthy weight, a balanced diet, physical activity, and optimal sleep. Currently, I am examining how sleep health influences weight outcomes and how shift work influences cardiometabolic health. I am a Graduate Faculty Member, a Faculty Member of the Center for Sleep and Circadian Science, and an Affiliated Faculty Member of the Center for Bioethics and Health Law and Healthy Lifestyle Institute.


I am the primary instructor for NUR 1085: Ethics in Nurses and Health Care, NUR 3120: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Health Care, and NUR 1651: Health Care and Nursing Science in Switzerland (study abroad). I also guest lecture in several courses including NUR 1308/2308: Ethics of Biotechnology, NUR 2010: Health Promotion/Disease Prevention, and NUR 2682: Human Genetics and Clinical Applications.


I am a member of the American Heart Association, International Society of Nurses in Genetics, Sigma International Honor Society for Nurses, and the Sleep Research Society. In the School of Nursing, I serve as a member of the BSN and PhD Councils. At the University-level, I am a member of the Institutional Review Board.