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Jennifer Hagerty Lingler
Vice Chair for Research
Health & Community Systems
Dr. Lingler’s research focuses on provider-patient communication, health behaviors, and psychosocial and ethical implications of late-life cognitive impairment. Over the past 20 years, her research has been supported by the John A. Hartford Foundation, Brookdale Foundation, Neurosciences Nursing Foundation, Alzheimer’s Association, National Institute on Aging and National Institute for Nursing Research. Dr. Lingler leads the School of Nursing’s Hartford Center for Gerontological Nursing Research. She also leads the Outreach, Recruitment and Education Core at the University of Pittsburgh Alzheimer Disease Research Center (P50 AG005133; PI: Lopez). Her active studies as PI include an investigation of the impact of disclosing amyloid imaging results in mild cognitive impairment (R01 AG046906) and a study of recruitment innovations to enhance diversity in research on Alzheimer’s disease (R01 AG054518).
Dr. Lingler currently teaches Responsibilities and Activities of a Scientist to PhD students in nursing and facilitate research apprenticeship experiences. She previously has taught ethics to graduate and undergraduate nursing students, and within the University’s Graduate Certificate Program in Gerontology. She frequently guest lectures on ethical issues in dementia care, neurological assessment, and the differential diagnosis and management of dementia.
Within the School of Nursing, Dr. Lingler is active on the PhD Council. At the University level, she serves on the All Pitt Humanities Committee and on the Executive Committee of the Alzheimer Disease Research Center. She recently completed a six-year term on the board of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, where she chaired the Mission and Services Committee and served as board secretary. Dr. Lingler is active in national organizations, including the Gerontological Society of America, the Alzheimer’s Association, and the International Society to Advance Alzheimer Research and Treatment (ISTAART), and is a past chair of the Steering Committee of the Outreach, Recruitment and Education Cores for NIA-funded Alzheimer Disease Centers.